We often get customers asking if we have an API integration into our online ID checking service. They visit other suppliers who tell them they have to pay £5000 or more to get the API integration and so they resign themselves to not having any further options.
An API, or Application Programming Interface, allows you to have programmatic control over the identity checking process. Rather than having to visit our website, log in and fill in the details, you can have the system integrated into your own software by your developers extremely easily. The benefit is that as long as the required information is being entered by you into your customer management or order processing system anyway, then your developers could simply add a button on screen to then capture that information and send it through to us for an ID check. No extra typing from you into our website and you keep all the data on your side of the system too.
We have that API, and we DON'T CHARGE any set up fee to use it.
It is a simple REST based API which makes it possible to integrate into any solution - whether it be your own website, a Windows, Mac or Linux program or even a mobile app. Whether you use Java, PHP, C++, Python, Ruby etc, the REST based HTTP solution means you can integrate whichever platform you run on.
This is a new feature that will be coming online by end of May 2017 as part of our newly redesigned website, but given the enquiries we've had without any information on the website, we thought we'd let you know that if you get in touch with us, we can help! Even though its not live yet, we can provide documentation for your developers, so by the time they have integrated it into your system, we will be ready for you. All you pay is the price of each check. No management fees, monthly service charges or setup fees.