Newly Formed companies in 'Carlisle South West' this week
There have been 1 companies form in the week from 15-12-2024 to 21-12-2024 within the CA2 postcode district (Carlisle South West in Carlisle). Usually over 2500 companies get formed every working day across the country. If you would prefer to analyse by region, rather than this postal district, you can check how many companies are formed by day or by month in Carlisle. Below are just a small sample of the companies formed (with the numeric parts of the address redacted with an X and not showing the postcode, so we are not advertising peoples full addresses online) but allows you to see where some of the companies have been formed. However you can also use the wizard below to carry out live searches, free of charge,prior to deciding to purchase. We supply the full company details lodged when they filed their company when you have decided on your filter selection and choose to purchase.
Incorporated On | Location |
18 December 2024 | XX ULDALE ROAD CARLISLE |
Give us a call on 01527 518 555 or click the button below to use our newly formed company wizard for getting free counts of lists of newly registered companies in the UK before deciding if you want to buy any data